How To Read The Bible | July 12 2022
How does God speak? How do we read the bible so that we hear from God? How do I start reading the Bible?
Maybe you see how people quote verses from the bible and share how God spoke to them via verses and your experience is quite different. Don't be discouraged. Like all relationships, consistency and continued interest and engagement are the key to growth and maturity.
We give you 5 quick tips on how to read your bible.
The bible IS the Word of God and we hope these quick tips help you glean from it! And of course, don't forget the power of personalized bible verses - Every Your Personalized Bible has over 5000 verses where your name is inserted to personalize your bible reading experience!
Here are some quick tips:
How Often Do I Read The Bible?
Set a regular daily bible reading time
It's hard to build a habit without intentionality. Whether it's for just 5 minutes or longer, setting a bible reading time helps you get into the habit.
Where Should I Start In The Bible?
Start from the book of John.
Many new believers start from the first book of the bible Genesis and then feel confused as to why they don't see the name Jesus. Starting from the New Testament instead will help you learn about the life of Christ and after you finished the New Testament, you can go to the Old Testament and read that too. As you do so, you can also view the events in the Old Testament with the lens of what Christ has done. Jesus is the fulfilment of the promises and prophecies in the Old Testament. We recommend you start from the book of John just 'cause it is written in a most readable way but you can also just start from the first gospel - Matthew.
How Do I Understand What I Am Reading?
Don't rush to read as much as you can every time.
It's okay to mediate on single scriptures or one story for a while and be still to know God.
Pray before you start
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the Word.
Reading the bible is a spiritual exercise. A quiet prayer at the start to help yourself be conscious of God is a great way to start.
Use the principle - S.O.A.P
Keeping a journal can be very helpful.
S.O.A.P is a common bible journalling guideline to help - S - Scripture. O- Observation. A - Application. P - Prayer. Some questions you can ask to help with Observation includes - Why did this happen? How did people react? What happened before and after this passage? You can also read the same verse in different translations. For Application, ask yourself how does what you just read apply to you in whatever you are facing right now. Always end with prayer.
Get A Bible Translation You Understand
There are many translations available.
While there's nothing quite like the King James Version, there's now many translations in modern English like the World English Bible, New International Version and more. Make sure you get your bible in a version that you understand.
Include Worship
Worship is our response when we encounter God.
Some people find putting on worship as part of their devotion time with God really help them "switch mode" to turn their attention from their tasks or worries to focus on God. You can start with worship or end with worship. Whether it's singing a song aloud or just putting on a worship song, as you turn your attention to God in adoration and remind yourself of how He is bigger than our circumstances, we encounter the Word of God. Many worship songs also have lyrics based on bible verses and singing them and consciously applying their truth to you will help you remember the Word of God and build your life upon it.
Think of the bible as God's love letter to us. It tells us of the story of what has happened before our time, how God pursued mankind and how Jesus has redeemed us. It also gives us the road map to how to live our lives.
Psalm 119:105 Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet and Light Unto My Path.
Reading the Word daily also creates a well inside of us that you can draw from during unexpected times or trials.
We understand that there are many distractions that get in the way of our bible reading and we believe Your Personalized Bible will be a great tool for you. Imagine how that verse would read like if your name replaces the "My". We all need reminders of how the Bible is not just a book but it is God's promises to us.
Invest in your own bible with over 5000 personalized bible verses today.
The Most Personalized Christian Kids Book Ever September 26 2017
"JESUS LOVES..." is written to help every child know that God knows them by name and that He loves them unconditionally and has empowered them to live a victorious life of love.
Written by a parent and beautifully drawn by an international illustrator, it covers themes like creation and the gospel story and also tackles common issues like fear, bullying and not giving up. With personalized verses to set key foundations in your child's life, this hard cover book also teaches children that God is always with them to help and wants to partner them to change the world through living a powerful life of Love.
The most personalized children's book ever, it:
- Has your child's name on the book cover and in over 40 places in the story
- Is Hardcover for durability and so it will last as a special keepsake
- Has 40 pages of full color beautiful illustrations
- Has personalized memory verses
- A personalized "Who I Am In Christ" section
- Optional dedication page and photo where you can include a photograph and/ or message
- Has the salvation prayer at the back to guide your child on his/ her journey with God
- Suitable for ages up to 10 years old.
You even get to customise the complexion colour of the main character in the story (the character representing your child) so your child can further relate to the storyline.
It's a perfect educational tool and a perfect keepsake item for your children, grandchildren and every other child.
We are also offering FREE shipping to anywhere in the world (within 14 working days).
Changing the world with the power of the Bible September 03 2015

On 1st September 2015 we launched a new social cause - One Bible Many Lives.
For every personalized Bible you purchase, we will give away one personalized Bible to someone in Cambodia.
Cambodia is a South-East Asian country less than half the size of California. During 1975-1979, the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime killed an estimated 1.7 million people through war, poverty and genocide.
What happened didn't just take away lives, but killed off the ability to dream. Today, the third-world country still faces many problems like sex-trafficking and corruption. But yet, the church in Cambodia is growing.
We visited Cambodia personally and were struck by the beauty of the country as well as the extreme poverty. Where the genocide attempted to kill off whole people groups and render people faceless and nameless, we want to give the Cambodians a chance to know the God who knows their name.
As they read a personalized bible with their own name in it, we pray God will restore their true identity to them.
In Cambodia where the average wage is less than USD$200 a month, buying a Bible is a far-fetched luxury.
Did you know an estimated total of 1.3 billion people worldwide do not have access to any scripture? We believe we are here to change lives and we know there is life-changing power in the word of God. That's why for every Your Personalized Bible you purchase from us, we will print and deliver one personalized Bible to Cambodia.

The recipients range from children as young as 5 years old to working adults - They even use the Bible as a family tool to learn English together. The free Bible you made possible for them to receive doesn't just bless them today, it gives them a better tomorrow.
Partner together and let's see the world changed through the power of the Word of God.
Together, we can change the world.

Is there anything like the word of God? May 05 2015
There is nothing like the word of God! His word is perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true and righteous and more! These are probably not enough adjectives in the world that can describe the amazing power that is the word of God.
God says in Exodus 20:6 that He will "show love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."
God's promise to us is that if we are to abide in Him, in His word, His love, His commands and His ways - not only will He show love to us in our generation, but to thousands of generations that come after us. Think about the thousands upon thousands that will be blessed on account of you and I following His word.
And that is why we are so passionately about you encountering the God of the word through the word of God.
What is the Personalized Home Range? And why you need one in your home. April 07 2015
The Personalized Bible Home Range is a newly launched range that aims to bring your favourite Bible verses into your home, each beautifully designed and personalized for you.
Why the Home Range? Our heart here at Your Personalized Bible is to create opportunities where you can encounter God personally and experience His life-transforming power through His word. God gives us a command in
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 which reads:
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." (NKJV)
There is power in the word of God and the enemy knows that. While the devil will never be able to overcome the power in the word of God, he will do whatever he can to stop the believers from reading and appropriating the word to our lives. Because the moment we personalize that the word of God says about our situation, something shifts in the supernatural.
Through the personalized Home Range, the promises of God are there to declare and speak life every single day, every moment we look at it. And it makes for a great home decoration too.
Take time to check out the Home Range. Why don't you take some time to join our mailing list too? We will be launching a few exciting new products in our Home Range and we want you to be the first to be in the know.
The best deal on the best Mother's Day gift. Ever. April 07 2015

Truth is, we won't be here without our moms.
Forget about the mug and socks; we are here to help - for the LAST 4 DAYS (till 10 April), we are offering free express shipping on all Bible orders. That usually costs $20 but we're doing this because we truly believe the power of the personalized Word of God will change someone's life forever.
Get mom her own Bible with her name in it - it will be a gift that will bless her for a lifetime.
The Perfect Easter Gift: Now in 2 Limited Edition Colors! Plus Free Express Courier! February 24 2015

Why not get a gift with eternal value - Your Personalized Bible is available with FREE Express Courier upgrade from now till March 8.
Also, to add that special touch, we are introducing two new limited edition cover colors - White & Toffee. These colors are while stocks last so be sure to grab yours today.
Do note - If you want your uniquely personalized bibles by Easter, order by March 8.
The Word lives!
Shop Early for Christmas & Be Rewarded with 15% Off! October 06 2014

Don't get caught with last minute Christmas shopping! Get your Christmas shopping done now, skip the before Christmas rush and be rewarded with 15% discount off our bibles.
Also, if you are thinking of making a bulk purchase of 20 or more bibles, do email order@personalisedbible.
Gift the Word this Christmas and spread true joy!
An Old Idea Made New... September 05 2014

Remember how Grandma would teach you to read the Bible with your name in it? Or how Mom and Dad will get you to read aloud a promise of God personalized with your own name? E.g., "For God has not given Paul a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-discipline." (2 Tim 1:7, Your Personalized Bible version)
Replacing every "I" and "my" with your own name in over 5,000 places in the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs and in over 7,000 places in the Complete Bible, every single Your Personalized Bible is absolutely one-of-a-kind.
Besides your First Name, your Last Name is included too in over 50 places and if you are married, your Spouse's First Name appears in another 150 places.
The Bible has often been called God's love letter to man. In Your Personalized Bible, you will experience this profound truth in a new way.
How often have we read powerful scriptures and promises but not claimed them for ourselves? With your own unique copy of Your Personalized Bible, witness familiar scriptures come alive again and promises become real for YOU.
There is power in the Word of God. Get equipped with Your Personalized Bible.